The quality of our thoughts has a big influence on our life.
Knowledge is available for catching how our thoughts can sabotage our success and applying corrections to lead us in a more productive direction. There are proven benefits to using social motivation (a friend or coach) to progress to implementation from the knowledge. The following are some examples of knowledge sources on negative self talk:
Taming Your Gremlin (Kindle Edition)
by Rick Carson.

“Your gremlin interprets your every experience. He has nothing good to say about you or anything you do, not to mention your dreams and aspirations. Just when you feel you’ve out-argued or overcome him, he changes his disguise and his strategy. Grapple with him and you become more enmeshed. What he hates is simply being noticed. That’s the first step to his taming. This and many other straightforward and powerful techniques await you in Taming Your Gremlin: A Guide to Enjoying Yourself.”
“Rick Carson is a genius at exploring our inner conflicts in novel ways. …And there’s a bonus: it works.â€
About the Author
Richard Carson lives near Dallas with his wife, Leti, and their son, Jonah. He writes out of his thirteen years as a psychotherapist and as a consultant to human service professionals. His professional background includes service as a full-time faculty member for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, and as an Adjunct Assistant Professor for the University of Texas at Arlington Graduate School of Social Work. He is a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas, and a Certified Social Worker with an Order of Recognition as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner. Richard is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. He consults and conducts seminars across the nation for a myriad of institutions, agencies, organizations and businesses,and may be reached at 7424 Greenville Avenue, Suite 113, Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 363–0788.
Triple Column Technique to defeat Negative Self Talk
by David D. Burns via J.D. Meier
“Your mind believes what you tell it.†— Paul J. Meyer
Negative self-talk is a common problem. The trick is to learn how to turn your inner dialogue from a critic to a coach. The Triple Column Technique is a proven practice for improving your internal self-critical dialogue.
J.D. Meier’s blog post is a concise, to the point, step by step, explanation on how you can use a simple tool to challenge self critical dialogue.
About the Blogger
J.D. Meier is a Microsoft manager known for his work on agile project management. I highly recommend subscribing to the RSS feed of the Sources of Insight blog.
Learned Optimism
by Martin Seligman
Many of these techniques are based on the research of Martin Seligman who was the founder of the positive psychology movement and was elected President of the American Psychological Association for 1998. Martin’s Learned Optimism book includes the principles, experiments, proven results, and benefits of learning optimistic thinking.
I have written previously about Learned Optimism in my Glen’s Life blog.
If you liked these references you might also like:
* The Dirty Dozen: The Twelve Words You Should Eliminate from Your Daily Vocabulary by Rajesh Setty
* Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits by Wayne Dyer
* Why Your Life Sucks: and what you can do about it. by Alan Cohen
Keep functioning ,splendid job